Public policies: The role of the School Health Program (PSE) as a tool for the integration between health and education


  • Reinaldo Dias Caldas Author
  • Jaqueline Basso Stivanin Author
  • Síssi Adriane Sá Furtado Author
  • Urandi João Rodrigues Júnior Author
  • Douglas Wallison dos Santos Author
  • Daniela Ferreira Marques Author
  • Cesario Rui Callou Filho Author
  • Tibério César Meneses de Oliveira Sinimbu Author
  • Ariadne Araújo Savioti Dias Author
  • Leonardo Massini Pereira Leite Author
  • Larissa Cândida de Sousa Diniz Author
  • Graziela Mendes de Castro Author
  • Joselita Camila Bianor Farias Cansanção Author



Public Policies, Health, School Health Program (PSE)


This research analyzed the School Health Program (PSE) as a tool for the integration between health and education, highlighting its importance and impact on the integral development of students. The objective was to evaluate how the PSE articulates the health and education networks to improve the quality of life and school performance of children and adolescents. A bibliographic research methodology was used, with a survey of articles on the SciELO, Web Of Science and Google Scholar platforms. The results showed that the PSE promotes an effective intersectoral approach, offering preventive and health promotion actions in schools, such as vaccination, visual screening, physical exercises, and educational campaigns. The analysis revealed that the program contributes to the reduction of social inequalities and improves the school environment by integrating health into the educational process. The conclusion reaffirms that the PSE is an innovative and essential strategy, as it combines health care and teaching to prepare students for academic and social challenges, demonstrating the effectiveness of public policies that promote intersectoral integration and the balanced development of the new generations.

