
  • Allan Gomes dos Santos Author
  • Gerson dos Santos da Silva Author
  • Rosa de Lima Medeiros Neta Author



Etnomatemática, Geometria indígena, Povo Jiripankó, CLIND-UNEAL


Even recognizing that the school is a space of knowledge and formation of the subject and that through teaching-learning cognitive knowledge and the ability to recognize the self, the other and the "we" are developed, it is important to demonstrate that cultural knowledge is fundamental for the subject to be able to find himself in this teaching-learning relationship. This article seeks to highlight geometry in the Jiripankó culture, whether in the graphics present in body painting and handicrafts, also recognizing that it is present in the measurement of land in fathoms, as well as in local architecture or rituals. The work is the result of the research carried out for the elaboration of the Course Completion Work (TCC) in the Indigenous Intercultural Degree Course in Mathematics in the program of the Indigenous Intercultural Degree Courses of Alagoas (CLIND/AL) developed by the State University of Alagoas – UNEAL. The research developed was of the qualitative type, carried out through literature review followed by participant observation to identify the geometric shapes present in the graphics and cultural manifestations in the Jiripankó indigenous territory. For this, the research is supported by authors such as D'Ambrósio (1998), Ferreira (2008), Ferreira (1997). A priori, this work intends to recognize and value the mathematical customs within the indigenous culture, as it understands that the methods of counting and the forms of mathematical expressions present in the traditions of indigenous peoples are also important elements for school learning, as it makes this learning more meaningful, specific and communitarian.



How to Cite

DOS SANTOS, Allan Gomes; DA SILVA , Gerson dos Santos; MEDEIROS NETA, Rosa de Lima. ETHNOMATHEMATICS: GEOMETRY PRESENT IN THE JIRIPANKÓ INDIGENOUS CULTURE. LUMEN ET VIRTUS, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 40, p. 4553–4571, 2024. DOI: 10.56238/levv15n40-037. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.