Governance in the implementation of Law 10639/03 in state education: A systematic review of research from the last five years


  • Silvinia Pereira de Sousa Pires Author
  • Rosy Franca Silva Oliveira Author
  • Aline Queiroz Labre Author
  • George França dos Santos Author
  • Alcivone Alves da Silva Author
  • Paulo Fernando de Melo Martins Author
  • Nilton Pinheiro de Carvalho Author
  • Luciene Oliveira Camilo Author
  • Daniela Mascarenhas de Queiroz Trevisan Author



Lei 10.639/03, Educação Étnico-Racial, Revisão Sistemática, Governança Educacional


This article analyzes governance in the implementation of Law 10.639/03 in state education, through a systematic review of research from the last five years. The law requires the teaching of Afro-Brazilian History and Culture in school curricula, aiming to combat racism and value the Afro-Brazilian contribution to society. The methodology included the search, selection, and analysis of studies in academic databases, considering only peer-reviewed publications available in full text. Preliminary results show that implementation faces significant challenges, such as insufficient teacher training, lack of teaching materials, and resistance from some sectors of society. The active participation of the black community is essential to ensure the representativeness of the content. The research highlights the need for integrated and effective strategies to overcome these challenges and promote more inclusive education.

