30 different genera of PANCs in the city of Tauá (CE)


  • Silvio Cesar Gomes de Lima Author
  • Idelvânia Adriano Martins Author
  • Amanda Noronha Aguiar Loiola Author
  • Ana Clara Moraes de Sousa Author
  • Isadora Soares Ferré Feitosa Author




Plantas Alimentícias, CECITEC, Tauá


In today's world, agriculture is uncontested in its production of food that generates wealth and food security, especially in a subcontinental country like Brazil. However, the "look" at plants has gained a new perception focused on our food needs focused on plant species not normally used in human food. In this context, PANCs, that is, Non-Conventional Food Plants, have been gaining relevance in recent years. They are usually juicy and well-pigmented, displaying a variety of shapes and colors. Non-Conventional Food Plants (PANCs) are known for their unique and diverse characteristics. PANCs usually have an appearance that resembles weeds, but they are highly nutritious. The objective of the present work is to evidence the presence of PANCs in 3 urban areas of the city of Tauá carried out by students of the mandatory discipline General Systematics and Phylogênia (TA 464) throughout the semester 2024.1, clearly evidencing the existence of at least 34 different species of PANCs in the three research sites that can be classified into at least 30 different genera:  Turnera, Portulaca, Kalanchoe. Aloe, Amaranthus, Plectranthus, Calotropis, Cucumis, Asteraceae, Malva, Solanaceae, Ocimum, Portulaca, Macroptilium, Hexasepalum, Jatropha, Sida, Zinnia, Ocimum, Spondias, Momordica, Acanthospermum, Commelina, Coleus, Ipomoea, Marsypianthes, Ricinus, Catharanthus, Commelina, Ammannia.



How to Cite

DE LIMA , Silvio Cesar Gomes; MARTINS, Idelvânia Adriano; LOIOLA, Amanda Noronha Aguiar; DE SOUSA, Ana Clara Moraes; FEITOSA, Isadora Soares Ferré. 30 different genera of PANCs in the city of Tauá (CE). LUMEN ET VIRTUS, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 40, p. 4701–4710, 2024. DOI: 10.56238/levv15n40-050. Disponível em: https://periodicos.newsciencepubl.com/LEV/article/view/555. Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.