Work-related mental disorders: A current overview in Brazil


  • Gabriela Stocco Rodrigues Author
  • Guilherme dos Santos Lara Author
  • Nicolas Jose Suek Cechelero Author
  • Mariana Michalski Fagundes Cunha Author
  • Mariana Vieira Zanatta Author
  • Eliane Ferreira da Silva Author
  • Andressa Márjorye Amaral Krauss Hansen Author
  • Naiana da Silva Castro Rodrigues Author



Work-related mental disorders, Workers' health, Mental health, Descriptive epidemiology


Common mental disorders such as depression and anxiety have a significant impact on the workplace and are the second leading cause of work-related illness. Work-Related Mental Disorder is characterized by symptoms such as easy crying and insecurity, caused by work-related risk factors. The relationship between work and health is complex and can influence quality of life and professional performance. Work-related mental disorders are a major cause of absence from work in Brazil, resulting in a need for health monitoring. The aim of this study was to identify the epidemiological profile of work-related mental disorders in Brazil. The time frame was the incidence of notifications from 2018 to 2023. A quantitative, retrospective and epidemiological methodological approach was used, showing the number of notifications of work-related mental disorders. The data was collected through the SUS Information Technology Department (DATASUS). For data collection, the variables in this study were distributed according to chronology, region of residence, age group, gender, color/race and schooling. The study reinforces the need to implement programs and public policies that promote mental health at work, including prevention measures, early identification, appropriate treatment and professional rehabilitation.



How to Cite

RODRIGUES, Gabriela Stocco; LARA, Guilherme dos Santos; CECHELERO, Nicolas Jose Suek; CUNHA, Mariana Michalski Fagundes; ZANATTA, Mariana Vieira; DA SILVA , Eliane Ferreira; HANSEN , Andressa Márjorye Amaral Krauss; RODRIGUES , Naiana da Silva Castro. Work-related mental disorders: A current overview in Brazil. LUMEN ET VIRTUS, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 38, p. 783–790, 2024. DOI: 10.56238/levv15n38-050. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.