Peasant territory in perspective: The case of the hinterlands of Crateús and Inhamuns (CE)


  • Sulivan Barbosa de Paulo Author
  • Jucélia Maria Rocha Oliveira Author
  • Ivan Targino Moreira Author



Territory, Peasantry, Agroecology


This article aims to discuss the concept of territory as a portion of the space delimited by the agroecological-based peasantry. To do so, we will resort to some works considered indispensable for the discussion and construction of the understanding of the concept of territory, as a portion of the space in which relations are mediated by power, manifested from social relations and (re)production. In addition to this concept, so dear to Geography, it will also be necessary to go through, in order to better understand, what is meant by peasantry in Brazil, since, although there is a broad and historical debate about this category of social subject, the number of authors who question its existence is still significant. From the perspective of building a solid conceptual base, this work aims to embark on the debate around agroecology, since this science has gained space and relevance not only in the academic environment, but above all, in the Brazilian rural space. In the course of this work, we will present cases of agroecological-based peasant practices that have been reproduced in the semi-arid region of Ceará for more than two decades. These practices provide, at the same time, the permanence of the peasantry as a way of life, at the same time that they evidence, from social and production relations, the resignification of the concept of territory.



How to Cite

DE PAULO , Sulivan Barbosa; OLIVEIRA , Jucélia Maria Rocha; MOREIRA , Ivan Targino. Peasant territory in perspective: The case of the hinterlands of Crateús and Inhamuns (CE). LUMEN ET VIRTUS, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 38, p. 700–717, 2024. DOI: 10.56238/levv15n38-046. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.