Management of iron deficiency anemia in pediatric patients: A systematic review of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies


  • Leonardo Targino da Silva Carvalho Author
  • Gabriel Queiroz Tomiazi Author
  • Maria Carolina Furlan Lopera Author
  • Letícia Fernandes Silva Author
  • Ana Carolina Benaventana de Padua Carneiro Author
  • Pedro Vitor de Paiva Anunciação Author
  • Rafael Costa Calais Author
  • Bruna Pereira Padilha Author
  • Francini Viscondi Lopes e Moura Author



Anemia, Pediatria, Diagnóstico


Objective: The general objective of the present study is to analyze the scientific production on Iron Deficiency Anemia, seeking to identify the main clinical manifestations, as well as the main methods used in the treatment of this pathology. Methodology: It is a systematic review focused on understanding the main aspects of Iron Deficiency Anemia. The research was guided by the question: "What are the main aspects that permeate Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) in the pediatric population, as well as what are the diagnostic and therapeutic resources used in clinical practice?". To find answers, searches were performed in the PubMed database using five descriptors combined with the Boolean term "AND". This resulted in 269 articles. 16 articles were selected for analysis. Results: ADF is often caused by factors such as inadequate feeding, early introduction of cow's milk, prematurity, and chronic infections. Treatment includes iron supplementation, either orally or intravenously, but faces adherence-related challenges due to side effects. Prevention, through proper dietary practices and supplementation, along with early diagnosis, is crucial to mitigate the negative impacts of ADF and promote healthy development. Conclusion: Public health policies focused on education and the implementation of these strategies are essential to reduce the prevalence and consequences of ADF in vulnerable populations.



How to Cite

CARVALHO, Leonardo Targino da Silva; TOMIAZI, Gabriel Queiroz; LOPERA, Maria Carolina Furlan; SILVA, Letícia Fernandes; CARNEIRO, Ana Carolina Benaventana de Padua; ANUNCIAÇÃO, Pedro Vitor de Paiva; CALAIS, Rafael Costa; PADILHA, Bruna Pereira; LOPES E MOURA, Francini Viscondi. Management of iron deficiency anemia in pediatric patients: A systematic review of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. LUMEN ET VIRTUS, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 39, p. 2180–2191, 2024. DOI: 10.56238/levv15n39-047. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.