Relevant factors and the student profile that result in dropout in higher education: A case study at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo campus Itapina


  • Maria Rita Almeida Moraes Araújo Author
  • Raphael Magalhães Gomes Moreira Author
  • Daniel Louzada Casteluber Author
  • Larissa Haddad Souza Vieira Author
  • Julio Cesar Nardi Author
  • Giovany Frossard Teixeira Author
  • Laila Caetano Bonjardim Author
  • Hudson Augusto Dalto Author



Abandono Escolar, Permanência e Êxito, Educação Superior, Licenciatura


School dropout consists of the definitive departure of the student without completing his or her original course. This work aimed to discuss reasons that led students between the years 2014 and 2016 to drop out of the higher education course of Agricultural Sciences at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo. This research focused on investigating possible reasons for dropout that may be internal, that is, linked to the institution or linked to the personal situations of former students. Exploratory research of a qualitative nature was chosen, using tools for data collection and analysis quantitatively and qualitatively, in addition to the methodology of participatory observation. In the technical procedures, a questionnaire with objective questions was applied, based on a questionnaire used to measure the dropout of students from the institution. According to the answers obtained, it was inferred that the main reasons that led the students to drop out were the lack of recognition of the teaching profession, dissatisfaction with the contents and chosen course, dissatisfaction with their own academic performance, among others. It is necessary to emphasize that some of the above-mentioned answers disagree when taking into account that the highest dropout rates occur in the first semesters, showing that little persistence or support for the student in permanence in the course can also be a determining factor.




How to Cite

ARAÚJO, Maria Rita Almeida Moraes; MOREIRA, Raphael Magalhães Gomes; CASTELUBER, Daniel Louzada; VIEIRA, Larissa Haddad Souza; NARDI, Julio Cesar; TEIXEIRA, Giovany Frossard; BONJARDIM, Laila Caetano; DALTO, Hudson Augusto. Relevant factors and the student profile that result in dropout in higher education: A case study at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo campus Itapina. LUMEN ET VIRTUS, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 38, p. 298–314, 2024. DOI: 10.56238/levv15n38-017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.