Humanization in health management in the context of Primary Health Care (PHC): A qualitative study


  • Bidkar Laurentino Paz Rosendo Author
  • Felipe Oliveira Author
  • Jadson Antonio Fontes Carvalho Author
  • Marco Tulio Soares Menezes Author
  • Fernando Augusto Silva Rodrigues Author
  • Flávia Andrade de Heberle Author
  • Rodrigo Fernandes Duarte Author
  • Disley José dos Santos Author
  • Geraldine Isabella Lacerda Oliveira Schumann Author
  • Rodolfo Claudio da Cruz Author
  • Breno Rodrigues de Oliveira Author
  • Thaisa Silva Guimaraes Author



Humanization, Health Management, Primary Health Care (PHC).


This qualitative study explored humanization in the management of Primary Health Care (PHC), focusing on how humanization can be integrated into practice and the associated challenges. Using in-depth interviews with sixteen health professionals, the research investigated humanization practices, the obstacles faced and effective strategies. The results revealed that humanization is widely valued as an essential approach to improving the quality of care and patient satisfaction, but its implementation is hampered by challenges such as work overload, lack of resources, and resistance to change. Successful strategies identified included regular training and creating a work environment that values continuous patient feedback. The recommendations include the need for greater investment in resources and training, in addition to the integration of humanization into PHC policies and guidelines. The research concludes that, despite the difficulties, humanization is crucial for PHC and that its success depends on a systematic and continuous approach that involves the entire health team and the organizational structure.

