Relationship of diagnosis and treatment directed to the causes of Neonatal Cholestasis
Colestase, Colestase Neonatal, Icterícia, EtiologiaAbstract
Objective: To identify the relationship between diagnosis and treatment directed to the causes of neonatal cholestasis. Methods: A search was carried out in February 2023, using the PubMed database, using the following syntax: cholestasis AND neonatal AND causes NOT (Review OR qualitative studies OR theoretical study). Results: From the search carried out, 59 articles were found, of which 52 were excluded by consensus of the authors. The reasons for this fact were: because they did not address cholestasis as the main object (X=40), because they were eminently theoretical articles (X=8) and because they did not present data regarding the causes of the variables that were the object of this study (X=4). After the methodological procedures described, the 07 articles were assiduously read and only 04 articles were selected for systematic review. Conclusion: Through the analysis of the data presented, the importance of early diagnosis of NC and identification of its etiology is shown, as some causes lead to the death of patients if not treated early.