
  • Jaqueline Rodrigues Author
  • Camila Mércia Almeida Lima Author
  • Milene Costa da Silva Author
  • Aiala Rocha Marques Author
  • Jainara Rodrigues dos Santos Author
  • Laura Xavier dos Anjos Author
  • João Paulo Vitória Author
  • Deusdete Conceição Gomes Junior Author



Cisto Renal, Nefropatia, Exame Ultrassonográfico, Néfron


Nephrectomy is the surgical removal of the kidney, which can be total, partial or radical. Thus, the present study aimed to report a case of total nephrectomy in an SRD dog with a renal cyst. A male dog, of no defined breed, 12 years and 4 months old, weighing 23,400 kg, castrated, was treated at the (HVU-UFOB). During the anamnesis, the owner reported that the animal had a tumor at the base of the penis, on physical examination the physiological parameters were normal. On specific physical examination, a firm nodule was palpated in the left lateral region of the base of the penis. The complementary tests requested were blood count, biochemical profile, nodule cytology and abdominal ultrasound.  The blood count and biochemistry showed no alterations, in the cytology it was evidenced a high amount of round cells, in the abdominal ultrasonography it was noted alteration in the right kidney, with irregular contour, loss of definition of the architecture and of the corticomedullary limits due to the presence of a cystic structure with an average diameter of 8.68 cm, in view of the findings the diagnosis suggestive of a defined renal cyst,  He chose to undergo nephrectomy of the right kidney. To perform the surgery, a blood count and biochemical profile were requested. The blood count showed no abnormalities. Thus, it is concluded that nephrectomy of the right kidney for the treatment of renal cysts has been shown to be an effective and beneficial approach, with no signs of recurrence.



How to Cite

RODRIGUES, Jaqueline; LIMA, Camila Mércia Almeida; DA SILVA, Milene Costa; MARQUES, Aiala Rocha; DOS SANTOS, Jainara Rodrigues; DOS ANJOS, Laura Xavier; VITÓRIA , João Paulo; JUNIOR , Deusdete Conceição Gomes. NEPHRECTOMY IN A DOG: CASE REPORT. LUMEN ET VIRTUS, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 40, p. 4877–4887, 2024. DOI: 10.56238/levv15n40-068. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.