Nuck's canal cyst: A case report


  • Gizelly Ayumi Yamamoto Author
  • Magali da Silva Sanches Machado Author
  • Mariana Malheiro Negrão Bandeira Author
  • Claudio Kleber Juiz de Souza Author
  • Juliano Seger Falcão Author
  • Henrique Budib Dorsa Pontes Author
  • Augusto Bulegon Tsukamoto Author
  • Kilder Carmo dos Santos Author



Hidrocele Feminina, Hidocele, Canal de Nuck, Cisto de Nuck, Canal Inguinal, Hernia Inguinal


Introduction: Nuck canal cyst is a rare condition that occurs due to the patency of the vaginal process in women, manifesting as indirect inguinal hernia. Clinically, it presents as a tumor in the inguinal region, which can extend to the labia majora. Case report: we present a report of a young female patient who was admitted to the emergency room with severe pain associated with tumoration in the left inguinal and umbilical region, with suspected incarcerated umbilical and/or femoral hernia, having undergone emergency surgery. Conclusion: Due to the rarity of the case, little is known about it, since there are few reports in the literature, and therefore it is often undiagnosed.



How to Cite

YAMAMOTO, Gizelly Ayumi; MACHADO, Magali da Silva Sanches; BANDEIRA, Mariana Malheiro Negrão; DE SOUZA, Claudio Kleber Juiz; FALCÃO, Juliano Seger; PONTES, Henrique Budib Dorsa; TSUKAMOTO, Augusto Bulegon; DOS SANTOS, Kilder Carmo. Nuck’s canal cyst: A case report. LUMEN ET VIRTUS, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 40, p. 4597–4602, 2024. DOI: 10.56238/levv15n40-041. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.