Periodontal diseases in pregnant women: The relationship between the disease and the birth of premature or low-weight babies


  • Pedro Guimarães Sampaio Trajano dos Santos Author
  • Adriana da Costa Ribeiro Author
  • Rosana Maria Coelho Travassos Author
  • Francisco Braga da Paz Júnior Author
  • Eliana Santos Lyra da Paz Author
  • Carlos Fernando Rodrigues Guaraná Author
  • Maria Regina Almeida de Menezes Author
  • Heloisa Helena Pinho Veloso Author
  • Luciano Barreto Silva Author



Periodontal Diseases, Premature Newborn, Pregnant Women


Objective: This narrative literature review article aims to highlight the relationship between periodontal disease in pregnant women and the birth of premature babies, who are born with low birth weight or with both problems, initially addressing what periodontal disease is, how it manifests itself, what it causes to oral health, so that later, it can be addressed how this condition in pregnant mothers can be associated with these sets of problems triggered in their respective babies. Methodology: To construct this article, a strategic methodology was outlined that could bring the maximum number of articles, books, monographs, course completion papers, doctoral and master's theses, so that a set of proven information could be obtained that would bring richness to this study. Thus, online searches were carried out in the following databases and websites: BVS/BIREME, DeCs, Scielo, Web of Science, PUBMED Central, Science Direct, CAPES Journal Portal, LUMEN ET VIRTUS Magazine, The Cochrane Library, PROSPERO, FT Magazine, Research, society and development journal in conjunction with Google Academy. In order to acquire a set of current, rich and scientifically proven information, the following descriptors were used in the online searches: Periodontal Diseases; Premature Newborn; Pregnant Women. Results: After several analyses and research in different studies by different actors, it was seen that periodontal disease in pregnant mothers is related to the birth of premature babies, with low weight or with both problems, having scientific evidence and sufficient basis to reach this conclusion.



How to Cite

DOS SANTOS, Pedro Guimarães Sampaio Trajano; RIBEIRO, Adriana da Costa; TRAVASSOS, Rosana Maria Coelho; JÚNIOR, Francisco Braga da Paz; DA PAZ, Eliana Santos Lyra; GUARANÁ, Carlos Fernando Rodrigues; DE MENEZES, Maria Regina Almeida; VELOSO, Heloisa Helena Pinho; SILVA, Luciano Barreto. Periodontal diseases in pregnant women: The relationship between the disease and the birth of premature or low-weight babies. LUMEN ET VIRTUS, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 39, p. 3493–3506, 2024. DOI: 10.56238/levv15n39-148. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.