Diversity and inclusion in continuing education of teachers: A qualitative study


  • Elivaldo Francisco dos Anjos Author
  • Adonias Soares da Silva Júnior Author
  • Cesar de Araújo Pires Author
  • Angelo Mendes Ferreira Author
  • Lucilene do Socorro Melo de Santana Author
  • Neide Maria Fernandes Rodrigues de Sousa Author
  • Livia Pérez da Silva Britto Author
  • José Antonio da Silva Author
  • Charles Portos Rodrigues Author
  • Patrícia Maria Gomes de Andrade Author




Diversity, Inclusion, Continuing Education.


The research on diversity and inclusion in continuing education of teachers aimed to analyze how these concepts are being integrated into pedagogical practice and the training of educators. Using an exploratory and qualitative approach, in-depth interviews were conducted with fifteen teachers from a Brazilian school, which allowed a detailed analysis of the experiences and challenges faced by educators. The results revealed that, despite recognizing diversity as an enriching resource for learning, teachers face difficulties due to the lack of specific training and adequate resources. The research also pointed to the need for continuing education programs that are more contextualized and adapted to the concrete realities of teachers, in addition to a greater emphasis on emotional and cultural skills. The conclusion emphasizes that effective implementation of inclusive practices requires robust institutional support and policies that sustain these efforts in the long term. Therefore, it is essential to reassess and enhance continuing education to better meet the demands of a diverse educational environment and promote a more just and equitable education.

